
Showing posts from March, 2019

Bram Stoker's Dracula (the film): The RPG

After gaining some notoriety for Phoenix Command (1986), a simulationist tactical RPG notorious for some of the most detailed (and least playable) combat rules ever put to print, Leading Edge Games managed to secure the rights to publish official RPG rules for several popular films of the late '80s to early '90s. Among these were Aliens, Lawnmower Man, and Terminator 2 (which I believe only saw release as a miniatures game). Think a game design company best known for ultra-crunchy realism is a good fit for big-budget action franchises? I'll give you one guess. Not too much going on here, against what I was expecting. Clean, if fairly boring. First step: roll a d% to determine background. Sounds good, and reminds me of the career determination in Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay. Turns out Jimmy the Vampire Hunter is a professional occultist. We'll find out what that entails later. Step two: either build your Primary Characteristics via point-buy or roll 3d6